donderdag 9 december 2021

There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, 

but I don't know many of them.

Refuge - Fairytale Mirror Gold
Refuge - Spark Lamp Shimmer Gold Larger
Refuge - Spark Lamp Plain Gold Smaller
Refuge - Autumn Candlestick B

{YD}Contemporary Bathroom - Wall Lamp
06 VICTORINE Gacha - suitcases 2
dust bunny . lauren bathroom . bath bombs
dust bunny & con . lauren bathroom . radiator . silver
Con & Dust Bunny . Gracie Living Room - Blanket Basket
Apple Fall Pampas GrApple 
Apple Fall Female Bust w/ Cloth - White 
{vespertine}spring rose arrangement / pink tones
{vespertine} - bag full of peonies
{anc} Hatsuyume / pink peacock
ReKa. Magazines Stack Group Gift
{YD} Mini Apartament - Group Gift
{YD}Contemporary Bathroom - Tile Baby pink
{YD}Contemporary Bathroom - Bathroom Cabinet(PG)

Garbaggio // Shoe Clutter Pink
tarte. nail polish clutter
Clustered.My Bathroom Corner Set. Towel
Fapple- MM Gacha- Laundry Basket
Fapple- MM Gacha- Mermaid Painting
Fapple- Rubber Carpet

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